Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's been a hoot.

I finished the parts to my last two hats. My customer requested purple and turquoise-y-blue, so here is the (almost) finished owl.

The elephant is also coming together. Once again, I still need to sew up all of these parts, but I'm pleased with how my ears turned out as well as the little trunk. My customer, Michelle, and I don't care for a droopy trunk hanging from a hat, so I lightly stuffed, then sewed a connection to turn it upward. I think it will look much better when I can attach it to the hat. (Note: I've read an elephant with an upward turned trunk is good luck anyway :)

I think they've all turned out (so far) much like the schematic I drew up. I hope Michelle likes them too!

Hope you have a lovely evening.


  1. wow they look lovely

  2. beautiful....love the elphant....both are cute ....but the elephant is adorable.

  3. Oh my goodness. I've seen owl hats, but not an elephant. Too cute!
