Friday, January 6, 2012

Purple Palooza 90x100 Flower Afghan - In Progress

Busy at work with my largest custom afghan ever...

I started with a schematic:
Then got to work...

These two squares are the only two completely finished and joined. I have a long way to go!


  1. Any chance you could tell me what pattern you used for this flower? It is amazing!

    1. Hi Mary, I purchased this pattern on Ravelry from Donna Mason - here's a link:

      I'm not sure if it'll take you directly there since you have to be a member. If you're not already, I would sign up. It is a treasure trove of ideas, inspiration and creativity. She also goes by SmoothFox if you want to search for her as a member. She is amazing.

  2. Wow! I love these colors together on this pattern. The pattern itself is beautiful, but the purple is something else! A palooza that's a pleasure to gaze on!
